Wednesday, February 13, 2008

An odd week so far

So, I went running on Monday, and about a mile and a half into my run, without getting too specific, I had some pretty horrendous chafing issues. Basically, I was trying a new underwear regime, and it backfired. Anyways, I was still in pretty bad shape last night, and I also just didn't feel like running or riding in general. 

Tonight, I rode my bike for about an hour, and basically just got kind of tired of it. I'm getting sick of riding/running inside, so I think I'll try running outside tomorrow. Maybe it's not even that, and I just needed a few days off in general. I've basically had a hard time being motivated this week. I don't know exactly what's causing it, but I've taken it pretty easy since Saturday, and at least I feel like exercising again. I think I was getting burned out on tri stuff in general (training, podcasts, books, etc.) so I took a few days break. Anyways, hopefully I'll be able to get back on my schedule tomorrow. I plan on running on Thursday (maybe) and Friday, and riding on Saturday. Wish me luck. I still want to make my running goal for the month so I can't loaf for too long.

Speaking of podcasts, I've basically decided I'd rather listen to good podcasts about news and Nintendo than mediocre podcasts about triathlon, so I mostly just listen to the JBST SmartCas, TriTalk, The Fredcast, and then I listen to Infendo (all things nintendo) and some other things like espn and newsweek and what not. Oh, and if you want a good laugh, check out the best of youtube podcast. Good stuff.


Clint said...

You should take a week off every month. On our training plans, we have a rest week after three training weeks. They still call for working, but they are nice and short. If you go at it too hard for too long you risk injury physically or burn our mentally. If you have been going at it contantily for quite a while, you should take a week off and just do a short run or a 30 min bike ride and call it good for the day.

Cole Duke said...

Thanks for the feedback. I think this week will be my easy week, and then I'll get back on the horse next week.

Amy D said...

I was just going to tell you about the whole "rest week" idea too, then saw that Clint beat me to the punch. What a good husband I have. Good for you for listening to your body and knowing when you need to kick it down a notch. You'll be back at it in no time!

Unknown said...

Make sure you don't use your rest week to lose ground. It is a time to let your body repair, and you should use it to get more pumped and prepared for the next week. If I was in your shoes and had a rest week i would spend some time getting some body glide for the rubbage and start working on your training plan for next week. If you are not starting every training session with a clear purpose in mind (i.e. improve aerobic capacity, speed skillz, new long run distance, etc) then you are doing it wrong.

And notice that Clint says a week off is just less working still should be working out most every day.

Oh yeah and this Saturday you can count moving me as a workout...with the purpose of.....well you know.