First of all, I had my monthly weigh-in last night, and I am down to 265. I was a little disappointed, but that means that I've lost 10 pounds since the beginning of the year. I would like to lose a little bit faster, but I'll honestly be happy if I can maintain this same pace. I'll post some pics in the next day or two.
So, I don't really have any experience on what kind of time I should be putting in now, but here's what I came up with for this week.
Mon: Bike 60
Tues: Run 45
Wed: Bike 90
Thurs: Run 30
Friday: Off (date night)
Saturday: Bike 120
So, the times for the bike are active minutes, so basically how long I'm actually pedaling/moving. The run times are run + walk times, so basically the total time I'm out there suffering. Tonight, I rode 1:01 active time, and it was a great ride. Since I knew that I was riding that amount, it made it a ton easier to actually do it. I listened to a little Fredcast, a little IGN podcast, and a little bit of loud music.
One thing I've noticed is that my heart rate just drops super fast once I stop pedaling. For example, at the end of a similar workout back on January 8, my heart rate dropped from ~158 to ~114 in about 2.5 minutes. At the end of tonight's workout, my heart rate dropped from ~152 to ~108 in 1 minute. Whatever that means, I feel like I've come a long way. My average cadence has also gone up to about 80 rpm, so that's pretty good. I've heard people say that 90 is kind of the sweet spot, so we'll see if I can get there.
Good job! Thanks for leaving time for date night!
Good work Cole! Sounds like you are doing great. Keep up the good work.
You will find that running burns many more calories that biking, so when you up that, you will see differences even more quickly.
I think you're doing great, Cole. And I, like Lacey, am impressed that you would forego exercising for date night. (Sometimes we cop out and have date night in the basement--Clint on the bike and me on the treadmill.) Good luck with the running! 10 pounds is GREAT! Plus, the important thing is that you're exercising and feeling good.
You go! You have my admiration!-David Whiting
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