Monday, February 25, 2008

A Sign From The Heavens

Or, as was said in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, "A blessing from the Lord". 

I was riding my rollers tonight, and the bulge on my front tire was growing. I needed to ride an hour, and I hit about 1:02 total time, so I figured that was about 55 minutes active time. I got a little drink, and looked down at my tire, and the bulge on the side of the tire had grown quite a bit. I honestly thought in my head "I guess this will be my last ride on these tires. And that will make a cool picture for my blog". I started pedaling, and I honestly pedaled about 4 revolutions before I heard a loud pop, followed by a fairly loud hissing noise as all the air rushed out of my tire. At first, I was just kind of scared. I was able to stop and get out of the saddle before I tipped over, so that was good. Here are a few pics. I tried to get some good ones, but it was kind of hard.

Basically, these are the tires that came with the bike when I bought it, and they're the original tires (the bike is a 2004), so they're old. They were pretty shot, but since I've been riding on my rollers so much, they're completely bald now, and there are quite a few holes in the tires. I actually bought some new tires around christmas because they were having some killer deal at Nashbar. I actually used them once on that infamous day when I broke a spoke, but I put my roller tires back on afterwards. I was planning on using these ones all winter until I started riding outside, and then I was going to put the new ones on permanently. So, I take this as a sign from the Heavens that my indoor riding for the year is over (hopefully the Heavens will keep up their end of the deal with some good weather). Anyways, it was a good ride, and I actually got 1:00:07 active time. I don't know how I always get it right on the nose, but it's pretty funny.

Last week was a rough week. I missed my last 2 workouts of the week, and I just wasn't feeling motivated, but I'm feeling really good now. I got the "Triathlete's Guide to Mental Training" book, and it's been really good so far. Anyways, I think I'm back into the swing of things, and I'm actually looking forward to my runs for this week. 


Amy D said...

I've never heard of a flat on a trainer...glad you survived!

Clint said...

Yeah, did you call Lacey to pick you up or did you walk all the way home?

(If you had that treadmill already, you could have walked home on that. It's all about simulating reality.)