I checked an old post to verify, and on January 19 I made a goal to be able to ride non-stop for an hour keeping cadence above 70 rpm. And, I wanted to be able to do it by the end of January. And I mean non-stop. I didn't want to stop pedaling for a second during the whole hour. That's actually one of the hardest things about riding rollers is the fact that you can't coast. When you stop pedaling, your wheels stop moving and you have to hold yourself up. I know it seems like a weird goal, but I thought it would be a good way to measure some kind of progress. Plus, it helps to break the monotony of training on rollers.
Well, since Wednesday is one of my days for long rides (along with Saturday), and since it's the 30th of the month, I figured that tonight was my chance. And, long story short, I did it! You can see the graph below. That's my cadence in purple, and that's not average cadence. That's actual cadence, baby! The red is heart rate, and the little rainbow stripes are heart rate zones, so you can see that I kept it right in zone 3 for almost the entire ride (yellow=zone 3). You can see that I went a little over an hour. Anyways, I'm so excited. I know it's a small accomplishment, but I really feel like I've come a long way. I'm still afraid of running, but that will come with time. For now, I feel like I'm making progress towards my bigger goals. Now, I'm going to go rest my butt.